As we know that the world is becoming advance day by day and every day we are using new technologies in our life that’s plays an important role. If we talk about this modern world the aspect of advertisement is also replaced  and now we are moving forward towards Digital Marketing as compare to old marketing techniques that’s said to be Traditional Marketing.


What is Google Voice Search?

It is the functionality provided by Google search engine to search content through your voice. Moreover we can utilize this functionality to save time without typing long queries. We can use Google Voice Search on every device for our voice searches. On some cases we have to say word a “wake” praise to tell Google that we are starting our queries using Voice Search or we can touch the mice available on Google search engine.


Why People Are Using Voice Search ?

Do you know it’s 20. 58 percent of consumers use voice searches to find information about local businesses. Given their convenience for on-the-go customers, voice searches are often used to research and locate local businesses. 21. 21. In research restaurants, 51 per cent of consumers use voice search. This is the most frequently sought-after company, while consumers study a wide range of businesses on their voices


Understanding Voice Search

Before we get into how you can customize the voice scan, we need to cover some basics. First, it’s important to recognize that voice search is more natural and conversational in tone — and that it’s used most often for local search purposes on a mobile device. Because the voice searches are more natural, they also tend to be longer than text-based queries.

Make Your Content Scan-able

People who are on their mobile devices searching the internet are looking for content that has been optimized for this platform. Make sure the material is easily readable, scan-able and has no irritating pop-ups or ads that could stop them from having the information they need. To break up your content as much as possible, using clear sentences, short paragraphs, and bold headers.

Claim your Google ‘My Business’ Listing.

If you haven’t already claimed your Google My Business listing, it’s time to do so now! Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing is a perfect way to give Google additional business information, such as industry, telephone number, address, operating hours and more. Keeping this property up-to – date increases your chances of appearing in the results when a voice search is relevant is performed.

Focus on Long-Tail Keywords

We’ve also discussed the fact that when using voice search people use more “normal” speech so targeting long-tail keywords is a must. You have to “think how people speak,” to do this. How would you ask specific questions? Or what kind of spoken questions might have taken others to your site? This may be a different kind of long-tail than what you are used to. It is more about real discourse and less about Varying keywords. You need to know as many variations as possible, and target them. Answer to the public offers a great tool. It adds search terms with words such as “for” or “with” in order to dig deeper into searcher intent


Create Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Pages

Another great way to use your customer and SEO data is to create FAQ pages focusing on those long-tail key phrases. Try the same page to group common questions, and write as naturally as possible. If several pages are required to sound more natural, go with that approach. You want to get the best chance for the search engines to get answers / information from your site. So, predict clear, long-tail questions. You should also add in some quick answers at the start of each piece of content to satisfy Google’s rich snippet requirements. It may seem like a daunting task, but creating these individual pages and content snippets centered around specific semantic questions can help your site not only display results in voice search but at the top of any text base as featured snippets.

Pump Up Your Microdata

Make Google’s crawling your website as easy as possible, and understand what it’s about. This will increase the chances of the search engine using your content to respond to voice search queries. To do this, you will need to submit a sitemap to Google in addition to adding your Google My Business information including information such as: prices, directions to your physical location, store Hours, and your phone number and your address. Use microdata as a next step to help Google understand what this text means.

Understand the Unique Ways People Play with Voice Search

If you’ve ever been using yourself Siri, Cortana or OK Google, you ‘re probably guilty of joking with these personal assistants. The point is, understanding how users play with voice search is important, as it gives us insight into how users communicate with these technologies. Although most of the answers you read may be irrelevant to your business, others may give you ideas about how you can optimize for voice search on your site. You may also find a way to brand-newly inject some insight into your copy and engage with customers.

The Future of Voice Search

As the world is going to be advanced day by day. So we also have to  perform such advance strategies by playing with google algorithm and with its new technologies. So we can understand the behavior of google and there no fact that after some years all the searches will take place through voice.


This post is created by Zeal Tech.